Fitness Classes

Home Fitness Classes
Township Fitness Classes are held at Orland Township, 14807 S Ravinia Ave, Orland Park. Classes with sessions scheduled will have current information below the class description.

Orland Township offers a variety of classes to improve and maintain residents’ overall health and fitness while appealing to a wide range of interests.

Classes are held in a safe environment with certified instructors trained to recognize the needs of each individual. These instructors are available, through the Township office, to answer any questions or concerns.

The below listing contains a brief description of the classes with the meeting dates and fees per session. Dates and fees are subject to change. Individuals must register for classes in person at the Township office, 14807 S. Ravinia Ave. and payment is due at time of registration. For additional information, please call the Township at (708) 403-4222.



Orland Township is proud to partner with the Orland Fire Protection District to provide free CPR, AED and choking education classes for residents. Classes are held quarterly at Orland Township. Please check back for dates and times.


Dakim BrainFitness

Dakim BrainFitness is the only clinically tested brain fitness software designed specifically for active adults over the age of 60. This program is designed to help improve memory, focus and concentration in just 20 minutes a day with interactive games and integrated mind exercises. There is no fee to use Dakim BrainFitness, however residents must register to receive a user name and login. Dakim BrainFitness is available in the Orland Township computer lab during regular business hours, call for availability.


“Joints in Motion” (“J.I.M.”)

The Arthritis Foundation’s “Joints in Motion” (“J.I.M.”) class is designed to help those who have arthritis enjoy a more active lifestyle. Exercises can be done while sitting in a chair or standing.


Strong & Fit 

This class of simple movements and light weight lifting will increase your strength, improve bone density, and enhance your mood. Participants should bring a mat and a set of light weights (1lb to 5lbs).


Tai Chi

Tai Chi Master & Chi Kuna Sam Johnson is back! Considered “meditation in motion,” this graceful class emphasizes deep breathing and mental focus while utilizing slow speed styles to create balance, calmness and flexibility.


Walk & Talk 

Walk & Talk is Orland Township’s NEW free weekly fitness program held every Monday at 8:30 a.m. around Orland Township! Join us for some fresh air, gentle exercise, and great company. These walks will be held at a slower pace with frequent stopping, if needed. Participants must pre-register with Diane at (708) 403 -4222. Walk & Talk will likely begin in the Spring.


Yoga / Chair Yoga (flyer)

A number of studies show that yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety, but more importantly reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. This class will include plenty of modifications to accommodate all levels of experience and practicing from a mat or a chair. The class will focus on movements to bring the body through all ranges of motion to help improve mobility and strength. It also will focus on breathing and meditation to alleviate tension and stress. Classes will be led by certified yoga instruction Melissa Gall, who holds many specialty yoga certificates including senior yoga, restorative yoga and meditation.




Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness and boost your mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you’re also more likely to do it regularly and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise.


Zumba Gold

Zumba Gold is for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. It’s to help improve cardiovascular fitness and boost your mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you’re also more likely to do it regularly and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise.