Sharps Containers and Disposal Services
Orland Township understands the importance of protecting the community and the environment through proper medical waste disposal. Our Sharps Containers and Disposal Services offer residents a safe, convenient, and affordable way to manage used sharps.
- Affordable and Convenient: Five-quart sharps containers are available for $15, which includes the disposal fee. Once full, simply return the container to the Township for safe disposal.
- Flexible Options: If you already have a sharps container, the Township will dispose of it safely for just $10.
This program is part of Orland Township’s ongoing commitment to public health and safety, guided by Supervisor Paul O’Grady’s vision to create a cleaner, safer community. By ensuring accessible services like these, Orland Township continues to address the unique needs of its residents.
Take action today: Visit Orland Township to purchase your sharps container or call (708) 403-4222 for more information. Together, we can keep our community safe and sustainable.
Prescription Drug Take Back Program
Every day, Orland Township works to create a healthier and safer environment for its residents. As part of this effort, the Prescription Drug Take Back Program offers a secure, no-cost way to dispose of old, expired, or unwanted medications responsibly.
- Safe and Secure Disposal: A designated drop box is located in the main lobby of Orland Township, providing an easy and reliable option for residents to discard unused medications.
- Environmental Protection: Proper disposal prevents harm to the environment and reduces risks to others in the community.
Thanks to a partnership with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Supervisor Paul O’Grady’s leadership, this program reflects Orland Township’s dedication to community well-being. The initiative ensures every resident has the tools to make responsible choices while protecting their loved ones.
Dispose of medications safely today: Visit the Orland Township reception desk or call (708) 403-4222 to learn more. Together, let’s safeguard our health and environment.