Medical Disposal

Home Medical Disposal

Sharps Containers and Disposal Services

Orland Township understands the importance of protecting the community and the environment through proper medical waste disposal. Our Sharps Containers and Disposal Services offer residents a safe, convenient, and affordable way to manage used sharps.

  • Affordable and Convenient: Five-quart sharps containers are available for $15, which includes the disposal fee. Once full, simply return the container to the Township for safe disposal.
  • Flexible Options: If you already have a sharps container, the Township will dispose of it safely for just $10.

This program is part of Orland Township’s ongoing commitment to public health and safety, guided by Supervisor Paul O’Grady’s vision to create a cleaner, safer community. By ensuring accessible services like these, Orland Township continues to address the unique needs of its residents.

Take action today: Visit Orland Township to purchase your sharps container or call (708) 403-4222 for more information. Together, we can keep our community safe and sustainable.

Sharps Containers and Disposal Services

Prescription Drug Take Back Program

Every day, Orland Township works to create a healthier and safer environment for its residents. As part of this effort, the Prescription Drug Take Back Program offers a secure, no-cost way to dispose of old, expired, or unwanted medications responsibly.

  • Safe and Secure Disposal: A designated drop box is located in the main lobby of Orland Township, providing an easy and reliable option for residents to discard unused medications.
  • Environmental Protection: Proper disposal prevents harm to the environment and reduces risks to others in the community.

Thanks to a partnership with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Supervisor Paul O’Grady’s leadership, this program reflects Orland Township’s dedication to community well-being. The initiative ensures every resident has the tools to make responsible choices while protecting their loved ones.

Dispose of medications safely today: Visit the Orland Township reception desk or call (708) 403-4222 to learn more. Together, let’s safeguard our health and environment.

Paul O'Grady - Prescription Drug Take Back Program