Property Tax Appeals

Home Property Tax Appeals

Taxpayers within all townships in Cook County have two opportunities each year to appeal the assessed valuations of their properties. The first opportunity to file an appeal is through the Cook County Assessor’s Office, which establishes a yearly calendar to assign specific dates during which each township is open to file appeals. As the year progresses, the calendar is updated to reflect the actual appeal filing period. The calendar indicates if a township is open for appeals, closed for appeals, or if the appeal filing dates are to be determined (TBD). A taxpayer may file an appeal only when the township filing period has been established. This filing period lasts approximately 30 days.

The Assessment & Appeal Calendar is available on the Cook County Assessor’s website, or taxpayers may call the County Assessor at (312) 443-7550. Taxpayers may also call the Orland Township Assessor’s Office at (708) 403-4712 for more information.

The second opportunity to file an appeal is through the Cook County Board of Review. The Board of Review also publishes a yearly calendar to assign specific dates during which residents of each township may file appeals. This filing period lasts approximately 30 days.  This calendar may be viewed on the Board of Review’s website , or you may call the Cook County Board of Review at (312) 603-5542 for appeal filing date information. Taxpayers may also call the Orland Township Assessor’s Office at (708) 403-4712 for more information.